中國大陸加強進口水產品把關中國大陸規定水產品進口業者,須於2013年5月1日前向中國大陸主管機關註冊取得水產品進口許可。該規定係中國大陸國家質檢總局(AQSIQ)依外國生產業者進口食品管理辦法,於3月關鍵字行銷22日公告開放進口食品業者於5月7日開始登記。越南駐北京大使已通知產業及貿易部、農業及農村發展部,呼籲地方水產品出口業者配合於期限前完成登記。越南統計總局公布,截至2012年7月之水產品出口交易量帛琉較去年同期成長6.6%,達34億美元;同期出口中國大陸的所有產品(含水產品) 成長21.9%,達70億美元,佔國家總出口交易量的11.1%。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 15/2012,15 Aug. 2012)REGISTRATION G2000REQUIRED FOR SEAFOOD EXPORTS TO CHINA Vietnamese seafood exporters will be required to register with Chinese authorities in order to be able to ship their products into the country. 烤肉Registration with the Chinese Certification and Accreditation Administration is required under a mandatory regulation set with a deadline of 1 May, 2013. The requirement is enfored 花蓮民宿following the Provisions on Administration of the Registration of Overseas Production Enterprises for Imported Food issued by the China’s General Administration of Quality Supervision, 土地買賣Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) on 22 March, and the Catalogue of Imported Food of Enterprises Subject to Registration, on 7 May. The Vietnamese Embassy in Beijing has informed the 買房子Ministries of Industry and Trade, and Agriculture and Rural Development to organize local seafood exporters to complete the registration before the due date. Vietnam’s seafood export 帛琉turnover up to July 2012 topped US$3.4 billion, up 6.6% year on year, according to the General Department of Statistics. Shipments of all commodities including seafood to China in the 買房子same period stood at US$7 billion, a 21.9% increase, and 11.1% of the country’s total export turnover.

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